Thursday, March 21, 2013

Stressed Out? Put The Cocktail Down!

We all go through times in our lives when stress and anxiety are running the show.  There seems to always be something uncomfortable that needs to be dealt with and sometimes there seems to be a million uncomfortable things to deal with at once.  I don't know about you but my reaction to a long, trying day is usually to consume lots of coffee (my caffeine of choice) while trudging through the day, and to have a glass of wine, a beer, or a cocktail (maybe sometimes even two or three) at the end of that bad day.  When we do this, we are only making things worse for ourselves.  Stimulants can increase anxiety and associated symptoms, such as quicker heart rate.  If you really want to help yourself, simply do what you should do anyway-put the cocktail down and eat your fruits and veggies.

Green, yellow, and orange vegetables all contain nutrients that help to keep anxiety at bay.  Foods containing tryptophan such as bananas, peanut butter, sesame seeds, and nuts are also known to have a calming effect.

Next time you have a bad day, try having a spinach salad with shredded carrots, avacado and yellow bell pepper slices, and sesame seeds.  Once you are feeling a little better you can have that tempting glass of wine for dessert.

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