Sunday, March 24, 2013

Steak and Potato Syndrome: Certain Foods Cannot Be Properly Digested Together

If you are looking for the culprit behind your indigestion, acid reflux, IBS, or other similar digestive disease you likely don't need to look any further than the American "square" meal.  Your body secretes special enzymes and juices to break down food.  Protein, fat, carboyhdrates, and sugars all require different enzymes for digestion.  And, unfortunately, your body cannot secrete the various enzymes needed to digest the average meal at the same time.  Some enzymes live in acid based juices while others live in alkaline based juices.  Eating foods that produce acid along with foods that produce alkaline will inhibit the proper enzyme secretion needed to digest your entire meal.  When foods go undigested for too long because the proper enzyme is not being secreted, they ferment in the digestive tract releasing gases and eventually being converted to stored fat.  This can eventually cause nutrient deficiency and weight gain.

The most unhealthy food combination in terms of digestion is eating a high level protein with a high level carbohydrate.  I call it "steak and potato syndrome."  Eating proteins and carbs together will inhibit your ability to properly digest either food.  It is also unwise to mix proteins in the same meal.  There is not one enzyme or juice that takes care of digesting all proteins.  Each protein requires a specific enzyme and a specific time release to be digested. Eggs, nuts, cheese, and animal proteins should not be eaten together.  Sorry folks, but cheesburgers and surf and turf have got to go.

Fats inhibit the secretion of some digestive juices, specifically those required to digest proteins.  The body will naturally break down the protein first in the instance that fat and protein are in the body simultaneously.  Fats will then remain undigested in the body until the protein is fully processed, which takes about six hours.  When you eat fatty proteins like meats and nuts your body follows the same process of protein first, fat later.  This is why eating a handful of nuts can help stave off  hunger.  Because most proteins also contain a considerable amount of natural fat and take so long to digest, it is in your interest limit other fats like oil and butter so your body has time to process what is already available.

When acidic fruits are combined with carbohydrates or proteins, the result is bloating.  The body will process the acidic fruits first and delay the breakdown of protein or carbs.  As previously mentioned, protein takes several hours to digest.  Delaying the processing of protein and carbs causes more fermentation in the body which causes gas build-up and the gas build-up in turn causes the bloating.

If you eat sugar and starch together, the sugar will prevent your body from producing any of the enzymes needed to break down the starch.  That's right, pastries and danishes really are bad for your digestion.  This news makes me sad too.

There are two common foods that should never be consumed with any other foods.  These are milk and melon.  Milk is not digested in the stomach.  Because it contains protein strands that will not be broken down in the stomach, it can prevent nutrient absorption from other foods.  In general, milk is not a healthy choice for children or adults.  But, if you insist on having it, drink it seperately from meals and snacks.  If you are concerned about getting enough calcium, up your intake of dark, leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and arugula.  Melons are meant to break down rapidly in the digestive system.  If they are eaten with other foods the breakdown will be delayed and this can result in discomfort.  Any type of melon is better consumed away from meal times.

So far, this post is depressing.  It basically says to not eat anything you like.  Let's talk about some alternative combinations that will taste good and work well with your digestive system.  Instead of having your steak, chicken, or fish with a heaping pile of mashed potatoes, serve it over a nice spinach salad or alongside some asparagus, green beans, or another low starch vegetable of your choice. Some of the best news you will receive today is that it is okay to eat fat and starch together.  Go ahead and have buttered corn with your mashed potatoes (use organic butter).  Or, if you want a nutrient rich combination, feel free to stir some coconut oil into your mashed sweet potatoes.

Of course your diet should always contain a broad spectrum of nutrients.  Just remember it is best to not consume the full spectrum every time you eat.  Feel free to snack instead.  Eat smaller "meals" several times a day and make them simple.  Have a fruit salad for breakfast, a starch with a vegetable medley for lunch, and a protein with a salad for dinner.  Eat melon in between ;)

1 comment:

  1. This is quite interesting. Guess the traditional meals of meat & potatoes is quite a challenge for our systems. Great to have this information- even though may take some time to change up the routine.
