Monday, March 25, 2013

$100 Dollar Night Cream vs. The Sweet Potato: Eating for Healthy Skin

There are hundreds of creams and serums on the market that are supposed to make your skin the most beautiful it can possibly be.  Most of them cost an arm and a leg.  On top of that, you usually need one for day and one for night. Before you know it, you have a hundred dollars worth of lotions cluttering up your medicine cupboard.  In reality, a better diet and drinking more water will do more for your skin than any lotion, no matter how "specially formulated" that lotion is.

I think it is somewhat easy for us to forget that skin is an organ.  And, like all of our other organs, our skin will function better if we eat a nutrient rich diet.  The best foods for achieving beautiful, glowing, healthy skin are the orange foods because of their high vitamin A content.  Vitamin A is also useful in treating acne and psoriasis.  Canteloupe, apricots, carrots, and yams are among the best foods you can consume to improve the health of your skin. Biotin is another nutrient that can affect your skin health.  It is most commonly found in eggs and salmon.  Biotin deficiency can cause a facial rash as well as hair loss.  Omega-6 is also quite instrumental in healing damaged skin.  Omega-6 is found in avacados and nuts.  Aside from healing your skin, this powerful nutrient is also linked to good brain activity and function.

There are some foods that will actually damage your skin and/or increase eczema flare-ups.  These include pretty much all processed foods and dairy products, especially milk.

While increasing your intake of foods rich in vitamin A, biotin, and omega-6 will do a lot to improve your skin, simply eating a balanced and varied diet will also do a lot to help you out.  And, even though these foods will help you, drinking plenty of water will do just as much for you.  The other beverages we love to comsume like tea, coffee, and sodas are dehydrating.  For balance, you should drink two glasses of water for ever cup of coffee, tea, or soda consumed.

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